Photo of old bridge and water during the fall

How to Make the Most of Springing Forward

How to Make the Most of Springing Forward

Whether you love that extra hour of light or hate losing that hour of sleep, daylight saving is here! The change of season is a great time to pause and reflect to ensure you’re prepared for the warmer months a head and all the exciting things that come with them, which is why we’ve put together a list of tips and insights to help you make the most of springing forward this year!

Be Safe

ABM-Blog-Post-How-to-Make-the-Most-of-Springing-ForwardAuto accidents increase after daylight saving time due to the fact that many drivers can take time to adjust to the lost hour of sleep. Here are a few things you can do to help ensure you’re alert in the morning:

  • Allow yourself a little extra time to wake up. Whether this means going to bed earlier or getting up earlier, just give yourself a little time in the morning to shake off the morning drowsiness before hitting the road.
  • Consider doing some light exercise in the morning, anything from jogging to simply spending a few minutes stretching will help wake you up.
  • Establish a new morning ritual. Whether it’s doing a bit of yoga, reading, or brewing your own coffee, take some time between getting up and starting your day to make sure you’re fully awake and alert before hitting the road.

Check Smoke and Co Detectors

Changing your clocks is a great time to also check the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Remember — you should be testing these once a month and replacing the batteries twice a year, or as needed.

Dust Off your New Year’s Resolutions

Have you fallen off with your New Year’s Resolutions? As we gain an extra hour of daylight and inch closer to warmer temperatures, consider revisiting your resolutions for the year.

Review your Insurance Policies

Spring is a great time to pause and reflect on what the future may hold. Consider taking a moment to look over your insurance policies. Do you have anything that needs to be updated? Has anything changed in your life that may impact your insurance policies? Get proactive and address these things now with your independent insurance agent!

If you have questions about your current policies, you can always get in touch with a member of our ABM team, contact us at one of our four convenient Massachusetts locations at (978) 534-2800 (Leominster); (978) 632-1098 (Gardner); (978) 874-2921 (Westminster); (978) 464-5857 (Princeton) — Anderson, Bagley & Mayo is always happy to help!

It’s your life, let ABM protect it with the right coverage at the right price

Good news: Our Leominster office renovations are nearly complete! We look forward to seeing you back in our office soon. Stay tuned for more information!